Sunday, July 19, 2009

6 years ago today I married my wife. I don't remember things the way my wife does. She remembers details. I remember the moments, moods, the big picture. It was blazing hot and time stood still. 1 guy passed out from the heat in the back. That is about the sum of the details that I recall. I remember that she was beautiful, but I can't explain why. My family and friends from afar were frolicking on the lawn of the arboretum, but I don't remember who. I felt like I had tunnel vision that day. Everywhere I looked, my wife was in the center of my field of vision. Even with my head turned I caught her reflection in the glass as she danced with her father. Someone talked to me and I watched her in the reflections of their sunglasses. She looked tall and ethereal as I watched her dancing through the bottom of a wine glass. Not much has changed since then really. We're still in love, and everything I see is framed by how she fits in the picture. She's going to need to move over a bit to the side though. Our baby is due TODAY. I'm not sure what I did to deserve her, but I'm glad she thinks I'm worthy of being her partner in life. I can't imagine it any other way.

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