Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last night my wife and my in-laws and I went to see Bill Cosby performing live at Central Washington University for their homecoming. I wasn't really sure what to expect. He delivered an hour and a half long monologue about his experience with getting his daughter through high school and college. It was an interesting experience. I didn't expect 1 long topic. He really managed to drive home the point of view of a parent. His speech was clearly targeted at the audience (college students and their parents) but also managed to reach any parent with a child in college, or graduated from college. What was interesting to me is that my child is 3 months old and I already was able to relate to his words about a parent's love being unconditional. I only have unconditional love for a handful of people in this world, and my son has earned it within a short 3 months. To be honest it happened in only a few seconds after he was born.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ender has grown quite a bit. On his last visit to the doctor they told him he was in the 99th percentile for height, but because of his height, he was in the 45th percentile for weight. He looks like a 2 year old with a baby's head. It is a bit awkward looking honestly. Still unbearably cute though. He is a happy kid who loves to smile and giggle. He graduated to his crib a few weeks ago because he was simply too big for the bassinet. We're getting ready for a week long trip back to Pittsburgh and that is a daunting task with a 3 month old child. I guess that we'll just have to wing it. The TSA and the airlines have so many rules for traveling with a child.