Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Hard About! Hoist the main sail!

Every once in a while I get a tingly feeling when I read about a company. The tingly feeling is usually accompanied by a desire to purchase stock in said company because some type of change of monumental scale is afoot. I'm getting that feeling about Yahoo. I feel that they finally have someone in charge after nearly a DECADE of foundering and flailing about in vain. It seems that they have a direction. Their horrible management of the last 10 years has left them no choice in their direction. They could have been a force to be reckoned with, but they were like a sledge hammer with a finite number of swings available to them. The swings were all spent in fear and desperation instead of focused on a single goal. They gave away much of their talent when they let Microsoft take over their search operations. I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Agreeing to work with Microsoft is like agreeing to a dinner date with Hanibal Lechter. You might as well role in spices and jump in the oven." Yahoo isn't dead yet though. They have extensive global operations...operations where they're actually doing their own search. It will take them a while and it will involve re-inventing the company yet again, but they might pull out of nosedive and become a respectable company yet again.